Wednesday 24 November 2010

First day of editing - 24/11/10

Today only two members of the group were in so we decided to edit. The two group members were Beccy McTaggart and myself. We used final cut to edit our raw footage. We decided to look at all our raw footage first to see which clips we needed and which we could delete. Once this was decided we then realised that some of our clips were too dark so we added an effect to make them brighter. We then tried to put them in chronological order from our first shot to our last, but since making a few clips brighter took some extra time we did not get round to putting all our clips in chronological order. For one of our clips we added a CCTV effect which gave the shot a night vision effect; this was helpful as it showed the shot from a different persepctive. Overall, our first day of editing was time consuming as expected but a good experience as we now know what we can do to give our music video a different feel to it.

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