Thursday 18 November 2010

Blog update - 18/11/2010

How have you used web page conventions to create brand identity?

For my webpage I have used web page conventions by embedding a video of my chosen band, made the navigation bar easy to use and everything entirely visible, including the text, pictures, and layout. For example, I have put my video at the top of my web page to attract the audience to this and it is situated next to my text so whilst they listen to my song they can read information on the band. To do this I went on the widgets section in iWeb, dragged a youtube link and then embedded my chosen video. The use of web page conventions reinforces the iconography of the band as the colour scheme is relevant to the indie genre and the layout is simple yet effective by making you look at everything when on the web page.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Stacey, this blog post is focused on creating links between your main task and homepage (brand identity) and your explanations of how you have used web page conventions are clear. Good work. To develop your post, you can explain how your music video relates to the iconography of your homepage, does the colour scheme of your homepage reflect your music video colours?
