Wednesday 17 November 2010

Filming the Park Scene - 16/11/10

Today we filmed the scene where Mackenzie is being followed by a big group of people through a park. When we got to the park it was quite dark, but the park was lit so we could still see what we were filming. We started by filming Mackenzie and some other people walking from behind the camera to in front of it and then away in to the distance. We did this shot once as it was done well first time. We then moved on to doing the same thing but from a different angle. This shot took two takes as the first did not go as well as planned. After this we moved onto the same shot but from another different angle. This shot also took one take as it went well first time. After this we moved onto a a different angle which we stood on top of a skate ramp to film from a high distant angle. This shot was good as it gave the scene a different perspective even though they did the same thing as before. We did this take twice as the first was not how we wanted but the second went well. We then moved onto a front view shot, so Mackenzie and the people following would walking towards the camera. This shot took one take as it went well and looked good when looking back at it. Our penultimate shot was of Mackenzie and the group walking down an alley. This took two takes as the first shot was not what we wanted, yet the second was. Our final shot was a high angle which we would edit into a CCTV looking shot. This took three takes as the first was ruined by smoke, the second a dog ran out in front of the scene and the last was the best take.

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