Monday 15 November 2010

Final Video Idea

We finally decided on a complete video idea. The idea is that we start of with having Mackenzie (our lead singer) sitting on a bed alone, singing to himself. We thought about using different angles for this shot as it may be useful to show different sides to him. After this Mackenzie would then leave his house and walk through a park on his way to a concert. On the way he would be followed by a large group of people who would appear a few at a time from different places. When it came to part way through the following we would cut back to Mackenzie sitting on the bed on his own, and then back to the park scene. Mackenzie would then enter a staging area, where the 'concert' would be, by himself and walk through some passages, up and down some stairs and then on to the stage where he would walk up to the mic to get ready to perform. Just before he starts to sing we then rewind everything that was just seen by the viewer so that it ends up with Mackenzie sitting back on the bed by himself. On the last section of the song it slows down and then on the last few seconds Mackenzie lifts up his head to notice that he is still on his own. The idea of the rewind came around as we thought about a way to end it instead of just having him on the stage and then panning round to show that he would be on his own with no audience.

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