Monday 29 November 2010

Comparison of Two CD Covers; The Editors vs. The Killers

The Editors and The Killers are both bands within the indie genre an target the same audience; ages 16-30. Although they are from the same genre, they are not completely the same in being effective in attracting their target audience through iconography. For example, The Editors use an image of a empty space to represent their music whereas The Killers use an image of themselves to represent their music.
Another factor which is different between the two album covers is the use of different font styles. The Editors use a simple font which is still effective as the white stand out on the plain black background. Whereas The Killers use their own style of font which is made from small circles accumulating to form the words 'The Killers'. Furthermore, the font style for the album name is different as The Editors use the same font for their album name as their band name, but The Killers use a more formal font style for their album name in comparison to their band name which is unique to them.

I believe that The Editors album cover is more effective in engaging the target audience as it leaves more to the imagination of what their music might be like and what genre they may be part of. Furthermore, The Killers album cover is more representative of the band rather than what their music is like whereas The Editors album cover is simple like their music choice.

Overall, from this comparison and the previous analysis of these album covers I have learnt that by sticking to the conventions of a CD cover you can be effective even if your design is simple.

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