Sunday 31 October 2010

Introduction To iWeb

During lesson we were introduced to iWeb, a software used to create webpages. After a wuick run-through of how to use it, I quickly learned most of the processes in making a webpage. The webpage would be called 'Southern Consortium' and would be relevent to all sixth form students within the consortium. The webpage had 5 separate pages which were all interlinked for easier navigation. I used my webpages to inform students of relevent news, a countdown to holidays and any information of which could be useful. Finally, I saved all my work on my webpage and published it (although incomplete) to show that I could navigate my way through iWeb as well as my own webpage.

Media Logo

Above is my media logo for my production company. At first I thought about what images could represent music, such as headphones; music notes, play button, etc. After some thought I decided to merge some images together to make my logo more original yet still able to represent music. The images I decided to put together a play button, pause button and headphones as they are all things which are related to music. Finally, I believe that my logo represent my genre as it has a similar colour scheme.

Monday 18 October 2010

First Ideas for Music Video

Our first thoughts when listening to the song and reading the lyrics was to have a narrative based video. We would use cross-cutting to show the different situations involved. One scene would be of a woman on her hen-night, and our other scene of a man on his stag do. When developing this idea we decided that these two could be having some kind of argument on the night before the wedding. This would develop further as the video continued which would allow us to include some complex shots as well as many close ups to draw attention to certain things like emotions. We could also use establishing shots to show what types of environments/atmosphere the pair were in.

The Courteeners Webpage Analysis

Here is the link to my webpage analysis powerpoint of The Courteeners.

Webpage Analysis of Jamie T

Here is the link to my powerpoint on webpage analysis of Jamie T.

Logo, Font and Colour Conventions

Here is the link to my logo, font and colour conventions powerpoint.

Evaluation of Logo Design

I believe that my logo is fit for purpose as it represents music as a way of entertainment through the use of headphones in my logo. The bold colours are eye-catching and draw the audience's attention into the whole logo, even the little details like the pause sign. If I could change one thing about my logo I would probably change the colour scheme so it related more to the genre I am using.

Monday 11 October 2010

Final Song Choice for Media Piece

Our final song choice as a group was by 'The Courteeners' called 'Cross My Heart And Hope To Fly'


How can I create a work of art
Tangled over a dishwasher that just won't start?
Domestic bliss, are you taking the piss?
I need a minute on my own
Minute on my own

So I cross my heart and hope to fly
And fuck right off into the middle of the sky
Where no one can find me
Where no one can see
That would be my ecstasy

Our clothes are on the floor
And so are our hearts
Your necklace and your pearls
Are your entourage
A pictured locket
A ring in my pocket

I need a minute on my own
Minute on my own
So I cross my heart and hope to fly
And fuck right off into the middle of the sky
Where no one can find me
Where no one can see
That would be my ecstasy x4

Blog update, 11/10/2010

How did you use your iconography research and web page analysis' to inform your homepage design plans?

I used my iconography research to influence my webpage design by thinking back to my mood board and used all my ideas from there to put together a design which I believe would engage my audience. I also thought about other webpages of other artists I have seen and used some ideas from these webpages to organise my own webpage in a way which would be interesting to the audience. For example, I would use my colour schemes and font types to engage my audience as they would be bold enough to grab the attention of the audience. A further example of my mood board influencing my webpage would be my band interviews and information as this would give the audience some background information on the band which could engage them further.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Internet as a Promotional Tool

There are many benefits and drawbacks of using the internet as a promotional tool.


  • Wider audience
  • Viral Marketing (gets around quicker)
  • A different experience/environment
  • Popular and worldwide
  • Provides information
  • readily available to target audiences
  • Interactive

  • Can be interpreted differently
  • Failure to launch (overpopularity)
  • Technology can be tempermental
  • Anyone can access the information and edit it (manipulation)


Differences between a Web Page and a Web site:
The difference between a web page and a website is that a web page is only one page whereas a website has more than one page and links to other pages.

The conventions of a web page are:
  • Images
  • Hyperlinks
  • Banner
  • Logo
  • Text/Copy
  • House Style
  • Sound
  • Layout
  • Website
  • Web Page
  • Colour
Images - To engage the audience/help audience identify the web page content
Hyperinks - Allows the audience to navigate through the website
Banner - Eye catching for the audience
Logo - Represents a group or a business
Text/Copy - Inform the audience about the subject
House Style - Looks professional (includes colour)
Sound - Something to listen to; gives the audience a taste of what they are expecting
Layout - Looks professional and intuitive for the audience to use
Website - A page that links to a variety of other web pages by hyperlinks
Web Page - One page of information that does not link to others
Colour - Engages and interests audience

Ideal Profile

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Joshua lives with his parents as he is in full-time education at Sixthform. He enjoys playing sports outside school, watching adventure films and reading music magazines as hobbies. His favourite way to keep up with music is through Kerrang, either by radio, magazine or TV. His favourite genre of music is Indie and this influences his clothes as he likes to wear skinny jeans.

Analysing Data

When analysing our results we found that out of our twelve participants only 6 liked our chosen genre, so we decided to focus mainly on the people who liked our genre. Once we analysed these survey results we found that:

  • 66.7 percent were female
  • 33.3 percent were male
  • Our age ranges were between 13 - 16 (16.7 percent) and 16 - 24 (83.3 percent)
  • 83.3 percent were students
  • Radio stations listened to were XFM (33.3 percent) and Kerrang (66.7 percent)
  • More people watch music videos on TV (83.3) than on the internet (33.3 percent)
  • 100 percent of people who like our genre wear skinny jeans
  • There were three magazines which the people who liked our survey read; Kerrang (83.3 percent), NME (33.3 percent) and Rocksound (33.3)
  • Finally four film genres were chosne by our target audience. These were; RomCom (16.7 percent), Horror (16.7 percent), Action (16.7 percent) and Adventure (50 percent)